Friday, November 1, 2013

Learn about yourself and Then others clearly

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Learn Others' Culture

You think, you know better English? i can make you crazy with English. Learn about People's culture before you start to communicate. Your respondent might be a better tricky person than you are.When you go to a foreign Country, remember to learn about that country at first hand or else you will be just fooled like this picture below.
People Communicate based on their Culture
People Communicate based on their Culture

 Love with no Expectation

These days girls expects the husband to be a Money Machine and live their life as fairy tales. True love is difficult to find, which has been easily replaced by mere papers which we simply call Money.
Daily thousands of good hearted family breakup due to unsatisfied money injustice. Thousands of girls/women are without a husband that is also due to the cause of the immature desire, either for sex, or for greed. People should never expect too much because expecting too much would only bring more suffering that we usually have. Control you senses and be aware of your needs not your wants. Just see what desire brings life into. These days Ipad or Iphone is very popular but how many people can really effort them? we should understand to adjust with whatever situation we are into. Just see how innocent love changed to be Violence.

True love is not appreciated by Greed which eventually turns to be violent
True love is not appreciated by Greed which eventually turns to be violent

They have great intelligence to destroy but less intelligence to develop
They have great intelligence to destroy but less intelligence to develop

Use Your Intelligence for GOOD

People have nothing to eat and yet the high position leaders are looking for more power encouraging the all country men to engage in war more than just being honest and kind.Some country people are very intelligent but what they use their intelligence for the bad purposes. just imagine a world/city with lots of intelligent people and using their brain to improve their society for the betterment and development of oneself and others on the Society.

Choose your Companion correctly
Choose your Companion correctly

 Know Your Companions

These days, if you are being kind towards others, they take high advantage to put you down. They come to your life when you have everything and leave you when you have nothing. So be aware of such people, who comes to your life in disguise of friends but treats you as a foe from behind.