Monday, August 19, 2013

Emperor Asoka speaks

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 Above the circumstances, Emperor Asoka referring to the Stupa of Kanakamuni Buddha, that “of the numerous Buddhas whose names are recorded in the Buddhist books as predecessors of Gautama Buddha it would seem therefore historically probable that a real basis of fact underlies the name and personality of Kanakamuni as well as of Gautama Buddha’s successor Kassapa Buddha (page 56, Lal Mani Joshi “Brahmanism Buddhism and Hinduism, Kandy, Sri Lanka and Nepal’s inscriptions of Asoka).

Buddhism was kidnapped by the Hindu Politics in South Asia:

Buddhism invites anyone to come and see (Ehipassiko) for himself and permits him to accept only those facts which agree with reason, logic and truth. It encourages the seeker of a new way to discard heresies, blind faith, miracles and magic. So scientist Albert Einstein expressed this appreciation of Buddhism, “The religion of the future will be a cosmic religion. It should transcend a personal God and avoid dogmas and theology. Covering both the natural and spiritual, it should be based on a religious sense arising from the experiences of all things, natural and spiritual, as a meaningful unity. Buddhism answers this description.” The Mahavastu Avadana records the following relevant lines addressed to Bodhisattva Gautama Siddhartha:

“Tena gato Krakuchando Konakamuni ca Kassapo
Etena tvam gaccha vira adya Buddho bhavissasi”
it means former Buddhas called Krakuchchanda, Kanakamuni, Kasyapa and Siddhartha is being advised to go along that path so as to become a Buddha soon. 

From Mohenjodaro & Harappa to Lumbini & Buddhagaya:

What the history taught in ancient India? There had a conspiracy of Vedic civilization relating to pre – Ariyan or pre – Vedic Buddhism in Indus civilization of Mohenjodaro and Harappa. Hindu scholars have been written thousand of books in claiming that Gautama Buddha belongs to them. No ancient Hindu religious books mentioned Emperor Asoka and his rock edicts on Buddhism. Brahmanism and Vedic culture were started to destroy Buddhism 1500 years B.C. in Mohenjodaro and Harappa. The Rig Veda reports, “Lord Krishna’s first generation came from abroad (1/36/8). According to the Bhagavat (10/24/23) Lord Krisna prohibited the Indra worship relating to interests of power between both of them. 
Emperor Asoka (B.C. 2300) discovered ancient places of Kanakamuni Buddha and Kassapa Buddha in  Nepal as archaeological discoveries (statue of Bodhisattva king, several Bodhi Trees & etc.) in ancient cities of Mohenjodaro (on river Indus in Sindh) and Harappa (on one of its tributaries in Punjab) indicated that pre-historical Buddhist civilization in South Asia (India) existed about 3000 B.C.

Settlement of the Indo-Aryans:

The holy Rigveda contains 1,028 hymns with, 10,600 verses which are collected in ten books. Two hymns of the Rigveda (VII, 18 and 33) report a “Battle of Ten Kings.” Vedic hymns praise the chief god of the Aryans, king Indra, as a breaker of the forts (purandara). In 1786 Sir William Jones, the founder of the Asiatic Society of Calcutta, discovered the close relationship between Sanskrit, the language of these Indo-Aryans, and Greek, Latin, German and Celtic languages. Vedic king Indra destroyed the pre-historical Buddhist heritage of the six Buddhas in South Asian cultures: (1) Vipassi Buddha  (2) Sikhi Buddha (3) Vessabho Buddha (4) Kakusandha Buddha (5) Konagamana Buddha and (6) Kassapa Buddha, mentioned in the Buddhist Text of Digha and the Samyutta Nikayas as immediate predecessors of Gautama Buddha were real human Sramanic great teachers whose historicity has been reflected in myths and legends so universally found in the Buddhist literature, Jataka story, sculpture, architecture, Ajanta Caves and Art of Asia.

Rigveda reports Vedic king Indra tookover Mohenjodaro and Harappa:

 All the Vedic ancient texts are quite ignored about the numerous Buddhas whose names are recorded in the Buddhist texts ( Buddhavamsa, Buddha charita, Lalita Vistra and several discourses of the Buddha).  Relating to the Lord Buddha’s universal theory of dependent origination or ‘Paticca samuppada’ today’s students may discover the conventional (only lokiya, not the spiritual or super-natural) similarities in the findings of Galileo and Copernicus.
 Hundreds of Buddhist inscriptions were found, they have been satisfactorily gave an overall pre-historic pictures of ancient Buddhism, their languages, cultures and custom etc. None of these scholars seems to have taken into account the Buddhist tradition of six ‘Past Buddhas’ who are believed to have flourished before Sakyamuni Buddha in pre-historic ages. Dr. H. Zimmer observes that, “following long history of rigid resistance, the exclusive and esoteric Brahman mind of the Aryan invaders opened up, at least, and received suggestions and influences from the native civilization. Later many made their fertile fields, they brought the rivers. Plants spread over the deserts, waters filled the Hallows (IV, 33).”